
Showing posts from July, 2022

Hot Dry Summer Impact

As you all know, we are in a record setting hot summer with no rain.  This is hard on all plant life.  Many homeowner lawns and the HOA greenbelt are suffering and turning brown from this heat and lack of rain.  While the HOA greenbelt is on reclaimed water for most of our irrigation to save money and conserve resources, our greenbelt is still struggling.  The HOA did a major turf renewal this spring, but this heat and drought is making it almost impossible to keep our turf alive, especially the new sod.  Additionally, our reclaimed water source is under tremendous strain because of the high demand by both the golf course (the primary user of this water line) and the HOA.  The golf course has had to significantly increase their usage to deal with this heat and drought.  As a direct result, the HOA irrigation systems are not getting enough water to keep our green belt green and our turf is struggling.  We have reached out to the golf course and the city and after multiple meetings and s

July 2022 Board Meeting Agenda

 NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FOREST CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Forest Creek May Board Meeting Thu, July 14, 2022 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (CST) Please join the Zoom Meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Meeting ID: 813 9759 4969 Passcode: 246274 Find your local number: AGENDA 1. Call to Order - 7 PM 2. Homeowner Forum 3. Approval of June 2022 Board Meeting Minutes 4. Committee Reports/Questions - 15 Minutes 5. Treasurer’s Report: Review of Current Association Financial Report 6. Old Business a) Review of the 2023 Budget b) Irrigation Updates c) Surveillance System Updates d) Playground Mulch 7. New Business 8. Executive Session 9. Adjournment * Except for the Executive Session, members of the association of are welcome to attend and observe the Board of Directors Meeting. There will an opportunity for homeowner comments and questions befor